'An Ideal Rustic Paradise'
Coming Soon!
My New Collection Arcady embodies an ideal perception of pastoral life and a harmonious relationship with the natural world. The word Arcady comes from Arcadia (Greek: Αρκαδία) The term has evolved into a poetic symbol representing an untouched wilderness, characterized by abundant natural beauty and tranquility. Often depicted as a 'Garden' populated by shepherds, Arcadia also plays a significant role in Renaissance mythology. While it is frequently associated with Utopian ideals, Arcadia is distinct in that it is often perceived as an unattainable dream. It represents a lost, Edenic existence, contrasting sharply with the forward-looking nature of Utopian aspirations. The inhabitants of Arcadia are typically viewed as living in a manner reminiscent of the Golden Age, free from the pride and greed that have tainted other societies. In English poetry, this region is sometimes referred to as Arcady. The people of Arcadia are closely linked to the concept of the noble savage, both seen as living in close communion with nature, untainted by the corruptions of civilization, and embodying virtue.

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